After the Bronze Age: Conclusion by Hilda Ellis Davidson (1969)

Source: ‘Part II: After the Bronze Age,’ Chariot of the Sun and Other Rites and Symbols of the Northern Bronze Age, 1969, pp. 180-183.   It is now possible to attempt an answer to the question asked at the beginning of the second section of this book. The main symbols of the Bronze Age seen … Continue reading After the Bronze Age: Conclusion by Hilda Ellis Davidson (1969)

After the Bronze Age: Farm Animals by Hilda Ellis Davidson (1969)

Source: ‘Part II: After the Bronze Age,’ Chariot of the Sun and Other Rites and Symbols of the Northern Bronze Age, 1969, pp. 163-166. The Bull The bull loses his ancient importance in later heathen times in the north, and is replaced by the horse. The same seems to be true of Celtic paganism where … Continue reading After the Bronze Age: Farm Animals by Hilda Ellis Davidson (1969)

After the Bronze Age: Footprints by Hilda Ellis Davidson (1969)

Source: 'Part II: After the Bronze Age,' Chariot of the Sun and Other Rites and Symbols of the Northern Bronze Age, 1969, pp. 152-153. The footprints found so frequently on the rocks among the other Bronze Age carvings, sometimes in pairs and sometimes singly, do not appear in any recognizable context in later heathen times. There are … Continue reading After the Bronze Age: Footprints by Hilda Ellis Davidson (1969)